We are a church, a gathering of people who believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, who desire to know and follow Him and share His redeeming love with others.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to us by God so that we can know Him. Because of this, we go through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book.
Whether you are a follower of Jesus or someone who is seeking to know more about Him, we welcome you to join us on Sunday or Wednesday as we go through the Bible in a teaching format.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Our current Sunday study is in the book of Romans.
We encourage you to join us as we journey through this book verse by verse.
In our journey through the Bible, we are now in the book of Romans. Written by Paul to the Christians in Rome from Corinth, probably between AD 55 and 59 on his third missionary journey. When Paul wrote to the church in Rome, he had never visited that church.
Paul had several purposes in writing to the Roman church. He wrote the Book of Romans to explain why he had been delayed in visiting the Roman believers and to prepare the way for his anticipated visit. Paul wanted the Romans to know that he had not abandoned his mission to the Gentiles. That he had not lost confidence in the gospel of Christ for all people (Rom. 1:16). He also desired to promote unity and to resolve a possible conflict between Jewish and Gentile Christians.
We invite you to join us for live stream as we get encouraged, exhorted, challenged, and equipped in our faith in our journey through this book.
Our midweek study is in the book of Psalms.
Book of Psalms is known as the book of praises and is one of those books in the Bible that the saints of God have connected deeply to it through centuries because of its sincerity. Theme of our study in the book of Psalms is from Psalm 119:115 "Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a lamp unto my path". In this uncertain and unsettled world, where it can be quite challenging to navigate our way through, we are reminded how important God's Word is to us!
Join uses we journey through this book, verse by verse, chapter by chapter!
Study will be followed by the prayer meeting.
If you have a prayer request and can't make it for prayer meeting, please submit it through our contact page.
Online Giving
Online giving is being handled at the moment by Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Calgary and link will send you to their webpage for donations. On the e-transfer just designate that donation is for CC Edmonton.
For any questions about online giving click here.
Join us Wednesday at 6:30pm as we study in Psalms
If you want to view previous messages please visit
our YouTube page!
We meet Sundays at 2 pm and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm at